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WHERE TO STAY Venice and its surrounding areas offer many kinds of accommodations in hotels, apartments, campsites, b&bs etc., that you can choose from according to the area and category of your interest. choose from these types... All types Hotels Campings Room rentals Youth Hostels Farm Houses Residences Holiday apartments Bed & Breakfast Ungraded holiday apartments Holiday houses & Guestrooms Religious guesthouses Country Houses Residence Schools with guestrooms Estate agencies for rental apartments you can select the category (if available)... Whichever 1ª Cat. 2ª Cat. 3ª Cat. you can select the area... Entire zone City Center ( Any area ) Cannaregio Castello Dorsoduro Giudecca San Marco San Polo Santa Croce Venice Lido Venice-Surroundings ( Any area ) Campalto Favaro Veneto Marcon Marghera Mestre Quarto d'Altino Tessera Cavallino-Treporti ( Any area ) Ca Ballarin Ca' di Valle Ca Pasquali Ca Savio Ca Vio Cavallino Lio Piccolo Mesole Punta Sabbioni Treporti Riviera del Brenta ( Any area ) Campagna Lupia Campolongo Maggiore Camponogara Dolo Fiesso d'Artico DOVE POSSO ALLOGGIARE.. Venezia con le sue terre offre una vasta gamma di strutture ricettive alberghiere ed extralberghiere: dagli alberghi extra lusso con vista sul Canal Grande, ai Bed & Breakfast che privilegiano un tipo di accoglienza più familiare, agli ostelli frequentati dai giovani fino agli agriturismo, dove alla simpatica accoglienza dei gestori si abbina il piacere della buona tavola. Se però la necessità richiede più autonomia, si può scegliere di affittare un appartamento per vacanze, classificato o non classificato, e per gli amanti del dormir in tenda molti sono i campeggi, non solo lungo il litorale del Cavallino, ma anche in terraferma, a pochi minuti d’autobus da Venezia. C’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta. Si può scegliere per categoria, tipologia o per zona. scegli i tipi di struttura... Tutte le tipologie Hotels Campeggi Affittacamere Ostelli Agriturismi Residenze turistico alberghiere Appartamenti per vacanze Bed & Breakfast Appartamenti per vacanze non classificati Case per Ferie e Foresterie Case religiose Residenze rurali - Country House Residence Centri soggiorno-studi Agenzie per affittanze puoi scegliere la categoria (se applicabile)... Qualsiasi 1ª Cat. 2ª Cat. 3ª Cat. puoi scegliere in base alla zona... Tutte le zone Venezia Centro Storico ( Tutta l'area ) Cannaregio Castello Dorsoduro Giudecca San Marco San Polo Santa Croce Lido di Venezia Venezia Area Metropolitana ( Tutta l'area ) Campalto Favaro Veneto Marcon Marghera Mestre Quarto d'Altino Tessera Cavallino-Treporti ( Tutta l'area ) Ca Ballarin Ca' di Valle Ca Pasquali Ca Savio Ca Vio Cavallino Lio Piccolo Mesole Punta Sabbioni Treporti Riviera del Brenta ( Tutta l'area ) Campagna Lupia Campolongo Maggiore Camponogara Dolo Fiesso d'Artico Fossò Mira Pianiga Stra Vigonovo Decumano - Terraferma ( Tutta l'area ) Martellago Mirano Noale Salzano Santa Maria di Sala Scorzè Spinea Isole ( Tutta l'area ) Burano Lazzaretto Nuovo Le Vignole Mazzorbo Murano Pellestrina Poveglia San Clemente San Francesco del Deserto San Giorgio Maggiore San Lazzaro degli Armeni San Michele San Servolo Sant'Erasmo Torcello cerchi una struttura di cui ricordi il nome? nome Fossò Mira Pianiga Stra Vigonovo Decumanus - Mainland ( Any area ) Martellago Mirano Noale Salzano Santa Maria di Sala Scorzè Spinea Islands ( Any area ) Burano Lazzaretto Nuovo Le Vignole Mazzorbo Murano Pellestrina Poveglia San Clemente San Francesco del Deserto San Giorgio Maggiore San Lazzaro degli Armeni San Michele San Servolo Sant'Erasmo Torcello do you remember the name of the accomodation? I luoghi visibili del potere, il cuore della città: Piazza San Marco, Basilica di San Marco, Palazzo Ducale , Ponte dei Sospiri e Prigioni. 2. Rialto: il centro del commercio mediterraneo: fondaci e magazzini dei mercanti veneziani. 3. Dal Gotico al Rinascimento: le tre grandi chiesa di San Zaccaria, S. Maria Formosa, SS. Giovanni e Paolo. 4. Il secondo Rinascimento: architettura palladiana in città: S. Giorgio Maggiore , e la chiesa del Redentore alla Giudecca. 5. I grandi pittori - Bellini, Tiziano, Tintoretto: la Chiesa dei Frari e la Scuola Grande di S. Rocco. 6. L' architettura barocca: passeggiando a Dorsoduro. Chiesa di S. Maria della Salute, Punta della Dogana e Chiesa dei Gesuati. 7. La Venezia Minore: l il ghetto, le fondamenta di Canareggio e la Madonna dell’Orto. ( la casa e le opere del Tintoretto) 8. Presenze straniere a Venezia: una passeggiata a Castello. Scuola di S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni ( quadri del Carpaccio), Chiesa dei Greci (museo delle icone). 9. La laguna di Venezia: visita alle isole di Murano, Burano, Torcello. Illustrazione dell'ecosistema lagunare. 10. Palazzo Ducale segreto le cancellerie, gli uffici, l'amministrazione della giustizia della Serenissima repubblica (incluse le celle del Casanova.) 11. Il nuovo museo di Piazza San Marco: sezione storica del Museo Correr, museo archeologico e le sale monumentali della libreria Marciana. e/o 12. La pinacoteca del Museo Correr: Vivarini, Bellini, Carpaccio 13. I capolavori dell'Accademia: storia della pittura veneziana 14. Lo sfarzo settecentesco: il museo di Ca’ Rezzonico, quadri, arredi, ambienti e porcellane del XVIII sec. 15. Il Museo Querini Stampalia: la dimora dei nobili Querini trasformata in museo (opere del XIV - XVIII sec.) Il giardino e l'allestimento di Carlo Scarpa. 16. La collezione Peggy Guggenheim: museo d’arte contemporanea. 17. La Ca' d'Oro: all'interno dello stupendo palazzo gotico sul Canal Grande è esposta una significativa collezione di pittura e scultura veneziana. 18. Il museo Navale e l'Arsenale: Storia della marineria veneziana e della sua flotta. 19. Venezia ottocento: la città dopo la caduta della Repubblica. I luoghi e le memorie del risorgimento a Venezia. 20. Conferenze con diapositive: per meglio conoscere Venezia Rundgänge und Museen 1.Das Herz der Macht: Der Markusplatz, die Basilica von San Marco, der Dogenpalast, die Seufzerbrücke und das Gefängnis. 2.Rialto: das Zentrum des mediterranen Handelns: Faktoreien (Handelshäuser) und Warenlager der venezianischen Kaufleute. 3.Von Gotik zur Renaissance: Die drei großen Kirchen: S. Zaccaria, S. Maria Formosa und SS. Giovanni e Paolo. 4.Die Spätrenaissance: Palladianische Architektur in der Stadt: S. Giorgio Maggiore und die Redentore Kirche auf der Giudecca. 5.Die großen Meister der Malerei - Bellini, Tiziano, Tintoretto: Die Frari Kirche und die Scuola Grande di San Rocco. 6.Barocke Architektur im Stadtviertel Dorsoduro: Die Kirche von S. Maria della Salute, Punta della Dogana (ehemaliges Zollamt) und die Gesuati Kirche. 7.Das unbekannte Venedig: Das Stadtviertel Cannaregio, das Ghetto-Viertel und die Kirche der Madonna dell'Orto (Haus und Werke von Tintoretto). 8.Ausländer in Venedig: Ein Spaziergang durch das Viertel Castello. Scuola von S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni (Gemälde von Carpaccio), die Kirche der Griechen (Ikonenmuseum). 9.Venedigs Lagune: Ausflug auf die Inseln Murano, Burano und Torcello. Erläuterung des Ökosystems der Lagune. 10.Geheimer Dogenpalast: Die Kanzlei, die Amtsstuben, die Justizverwaltung der Venezianischen Republik. 11.Das Stadtmuseum am Markusplatz: Die historische Abteilung im Museum Correr und die monumentalen Säle der Biblioteca Marciana (Markusbibliothek). und/oder 12.Die Pinakothek im Museum Correr: Vivarini, Bellini, Carpaccio 13.Die Geschichte der venezianischen Malerei: Die Meisterwerke in den Galerien der Akademie. 14.Die Pracht des 18: Jahrhunderts im Museum Ca' Rezzonico: Gemälde, Porzellan, Ausstattungen und Atmosphäre gegen Ende der Republik. 15.Das Museum Querini-Stampalia: Der ehemalige Wohnsitz der Adelsfamilie Querini (Werke vom 14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert). Besuch des Gartens von Carlo Scarpa renoviert. 16.Die Sammlung Peggy Guggenheim: Das Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst. 17.Die Ca' d'Oro: Im Innenraum dieses wunderschönen Gebäudes am Canale Grande befindet sich eine interessante Sammlung venezianischer Kunstwerke der Malerei und Bildhauerei. 18.Das Schiffsmuseum und das Arsenal: Geschichte der Venezianischen Marine und ihrer Flotte. 19. Venedig im 19. Jahruhndert: Die Stadt nach dem Fall der Serenissima Republik. Die Orte und das Gedächtnis des Risorgimento. 20. Seminare mit Dias : um die Stadt besser kennezulernen. Hier finden Sie nur einige Vorschläge; andere Rundgänge können nach Ihren Interessen vereinbart werden. . name Itineraries and Museums 1. The visible image of political power, the heart of the city: St. Mark’s Square, St. Mark’s Church, Doge’s Palace, Bridge of Sighs and Prisons. 2. Rialto: a Mediterranean business centre: the Venetian merchants’ “Fondaci”, that is the warehouses of the Venetian merchants. 3. From Gothic to Renaissance: the three churches of St. John and Paul, St. Zachary, St. Maria Formosa. 4. Late Renaissance: Palladio’s architecture in Venice: St. George the Major and the Redemeer’s Church on the Giudecca Island. 5. Three great painters - Bellini, Titian, Tintoretto: The Frari Church and the Scuola Grande di St. Roch. 6. Baroque architecture: a tour in the Dorsoduro “sestiere”: the church of Santa Maria della Salute and the Church of the Gesuati. 7. Hidden Venice: the “fondamenta” in the Cannaregio “sestiere”: The Jewish Ghetto, the church of the Madonna dell’Orto (with paintings by Tintoretto) and Tintoretto’s house. 8. Foreign communities in Venice: a tour in the Castello “sestiere”: Scuola of St. Giorgio degli Schiavoni (paintings by Carpaccio), Church of the Greek Community (Icon Museum). 9. The Venetian Lagoon : Tour to the islands of Murano, Burano, Torcello. The lagoon’s ecological system. 10. Secret itineraries in the Doge’s Palace: chancelleries, offices, administration of justice in the "Most Serene" Republic and the Ladders (with Casanova’s cell). 11. The new museum of Saint Mark’s Square: the Correr Museum: city museum, a historical approach to the Republic, the Archeological Museum and the monumental halls of the Marciana Library. and/or 12. The Paintings Section of the Correr Museum: Vivarini, Bellini, Carpaccio 13. The Masterpieces of the Accademia Galleries: The history of Venetian painting. 14. The Splendour of the 18th Century: Ca’ Rezzonico; paintings, lacquered and gilded furniture, Chinoiseries and porcelain. 15. The Querini Stampalia Museum: the former dwelling of the aristocratic Querini family (works ranging from the 14th to the 18th century). Carlo Scarpa's garden 16. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection: 20th century art. 17. The Ca’ d’Oro: the wonderful gothic palace overlooking the Grand Canal houses an interesting collection of Venetian art, both painting and sculpture. 18. The Naval Museum and the Arsenal: trade and war: history of the Venetian fleet. 19. 19th century Venice: after the Fall of the "Most Serene" Republic: places and memories of the period between 1797 and Venice’s annection to the Kingdom of Italy in 1866. 20. Lectures with Slides: for a Better Understanding of Venice. Guida di Venezia
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BELVEDERE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260115
BISANZIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5203100
BOSTON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5287665
BRIDGE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205287
BUON PESCE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5268599
BYRON CENTRALE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260052
CA' DI VALLE JUNIOR Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968123
CA' DI VALLE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968017
CA' FAVRETTO Hotel Venezia fax +39-721033
CAMPIELLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205764
CAPRI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-718988
CARPACCIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235946
CASANOVA Hotel Venezia fax +39-5206413
CASANOVA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206855
CASTELLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5230217
CENTAURO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5225832
CLUB Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-957722
COLOMBO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-920711
CONTINENTAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715122
CORSO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5242488
DE L'ALBORO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206977
DELFINO Residence Venezia tel +39-041-5496711
DO POZZI Hotel Venezia fax +39-5229413
DO POZZI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5207855
DOGE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-717212
DON STURZO Residence Venezia tel +39-041-616922
DUCALE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-631444
EDEN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5244003
ELITE Residence Venezia tel +39-041-5330740
ETOILE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-974422
EURHOTEL Mirano Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5728063
FENIX Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39- fax +39-968831
FENIX Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968040
FIRENZE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5222858
FLORA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205844
FLY Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5415022
GALLIMBERTI Hotel Venezia Hotel Venice - Malcontenta - tel +39-041-698099
GARDENA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235549
GARIBALDI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041 5349362
GARIBALDI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5350455
GIORGIONE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5225810
GRASPO DE UA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205644
HELVETIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260105
HOLIDAY Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-611088
HUNGARIA Hotel Venezia fax +39-5267619
HUNGARIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5261212
KAPPA Hotel Venezia fax +39-5347103
KAPPA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5343121
KETTE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5207766
LA CALCINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-520646
LA FENICE ET ARTISTES Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5232333
LA MERIDIANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260343
LIO GRANDO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5301200
LLOYD Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-930172
LOCANDA STURION Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5236243
MALIBRAN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5228028
MARCONI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5222068
MONDIAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-930099
MONDIAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-930099
MONTECARLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5207144
NAZIONALE Hotel Venezia fax +39-715318
NAZIONALE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716133
NUOVA MESTRE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-91380
OLIMPIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-711041
PANADA Hotel Venezia fax +39-5209619
PANADA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5209088
PANTALON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-0417
PARIS Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926037
PAUSANIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5222083
PETIT PALAIS Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5265993
PIAVE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-929287
PICCOLA FENICE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204909
PRESIDENT Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-985655
RIALTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5209166
RIGEL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5268810
RIGHETTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968083
RIVIERA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260031
ROMA Hotel Venezia fax +39-041-921837
ROMA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-921967
SAN CASSIANO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5241768
SAN GALLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227311
SAN GIULIANO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5317044
SAN MARCO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204277
SAN MOISE' Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5203755
SANTA CHIARA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206955
SANTA MARINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5239202
SANTO STEFANO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5200166
SAVOIA & JOLANDA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206644
SCANDINAVIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5223507
SOLE MARE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968023
SPAGNA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715011
SPAGNA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715011
STURION Hotel Venezia fax +39-041-5228378
TINTORETTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-721872
TORINO Hotel Venezia fax +39-041-5228227
TORINO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205222
TOURING Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-920122
TRITONE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-930955
UNION LIDO PARK Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968043
UNION Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715055
UNIVERSO E NORD Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715233
VALDOR Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-966108
VENEZIA 2000 Hotel Venezia fax +39-5269252
VENEZIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-985533
VIENNA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-936600
VILLA IGEA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206644
VILLA MARAVEGE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5210188
VILLA PANNONIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260162
VILLA PARCO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260015
VILLA SERENA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-936041
VILLA TIZIANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5261152
Alberghi Venezia Hotel 2 stelle
ADRIATICO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715176
AGLI ALBORETTI Hotel Venezia fax +39-5210158
AGLI ALBORETTI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5230058
AIRONE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204991
AL CASON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968036
AL NUOVO TESON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5205555
ALCYONE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5212810
ALLA BIANCA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5381125
ALLA FAVA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5229224
ALLA SALUTE DA CICI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235404
ARCADIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-041
ARISTON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-972293
ASTORIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5225381
ATLANTICO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5209244
ATLANTIDE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716901
AUTOSTRADA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-921403
BARTOLOMEO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235387
BROOKLYN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-522327
BUCINTORO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5223240
CANADA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5229912
CANAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5238480
CANALETTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5220518
CAPRERA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715271
CASA FONTANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5220579
CAVALLINO BIANCO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968018
CENTRALE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-985522
CITTA' DI MILANO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227002
CRISTALLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5265293
DA BRUNO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5230452
DA TITO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5314581
DELLE ROSE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5317711
DIANA Hotel Venezia fax +39-5238763
DIANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206911
DOLOMITI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715113
FALIER Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-710882
FLORIDA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715253
FORTUNA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968035
GALLINI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204515
GORIZIA A LA VALIGIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5223737
GUERRINI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715333
GUIDI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5317449
HESPERIA Hotel Venezia fax +39-715112
HESPERIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715251
INTERNATIONAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968108
IRIS Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5222882
LA FORCOLA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5241484
LA RESIDENZA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5285315
LA RONDINE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-966172
LEONARDO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-718666
LISBONA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286774
LOCANDA REMEDIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5206232
LUX Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5201044
MARCO POLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-900344
MERCURIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5220947
MESSNER Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227443
MIGNON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5237388
MODERNO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716679
ORION Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5223053
PAGANELLI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5224324
PELLEGRINO COMMERCIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5207922
PENSIONE WILDNER Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227463
PICCOLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-920632
PRIMAVERA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5310550
REITER Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260107
RIVAMARE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260352
ROBERTA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-929355
ROSA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968086
SAN CARLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-970912
SAN FANTIN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5231401
SAN GIORGIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235835
SAN MAURIZIO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5289712
SAN ZULIAN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5225872
SEGUSO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286858
SERENISSIMA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5200011
SORRISO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260729
STELLA ALPINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715179
STELLA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260745
TIVOLI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5242460
TRIESTE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-929462
TROVATORE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5224611
VIANELLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-731072
VILLA ALBERTINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260879
VILLA AURORA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260519
VILLA CIPRO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5261408
VILLA GRAZIELLA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-921655
VITTORIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-616655
VIVIT Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-951385
WALTER Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286204
ZECCHINI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715611
Alberghi Venezia Hotel 1 stella
ADRIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-989755
ADUA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716184
AI DO MORI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204817
AL BUON PESCE DA ALDO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968064
AL GAMBERO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5224384
AL GAZZETTINO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286523
AL GOBBO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715001
AL PIAVE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5285174
AL VAGON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5285626
AL VERONESE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926275
ALEX Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5231341
ALLA TORRE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-984646
ALLE COLONNETTE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-631555
AMBA ALAGI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-921728
ANTICA CASA CARETTONI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716231
ANTICA LOCANDA MONTIN Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227151
ANTICO CAPON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5285292
BERNARDI SEMENZATO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227257
BUDAPEST Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5220514
CANEVA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5228118
CASA BOCCASSINI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5229892
CASA PERON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-711038-710021
CASA PETRARCA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5200430
CASA VERARDO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286127
COL DI LANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926879
CORONA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5229174
CORTINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-929206
CRIS Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926773
DA GIACOMO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-631541
DA GIOVANNI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968063
DA SCARPA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-966428
DALLA MORA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-710703
DONI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5224267
FIAMMINGO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-968233
GALLERIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5204172
GIARDINETTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260190
GIOVANNINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926396
GUERRATO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227131
JOHNNY'S MOTEL Venezia tel +39-041-5415093
LA PERGOLA Hotel Venezia - tel +39 041-5260784
LA TRIESTINA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-900168
LAURA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5370244
LOCANDA BELVEDERE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926596
LOCANDA CA' FOSCARI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-710401
LOCANDA CANAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5234538
LOCANDA CANAL Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5234538
LOCANDA FIORITA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5234754
LOCANDA SALIERI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-710035
LUCY Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-900748
MARTE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716351
MARTELLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926569
MARY Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-900219
MINERVA E NETTUNO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715968
MONTEPIANA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926242
MONTIRON Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5416110
NOEMI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5238144
RASPO DE UA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-730095
RIVA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-972566
RIZZARDI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-923416
ROMANO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-935498
ROSSI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715164
SAN GEREMIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716245
SAN SALVADOR Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5289147
SAN SAMUELE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5228045
SANTA LUCIA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-715180
SANT'ANNA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5286466
SILVA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5227643
TIEPOLO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5231315
TOSCANA - TOFANELLI Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5235722
TRENTO Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-926090
VIDALE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5314586
VILLA ADELE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-920376
VILLA DELLE PALME Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5261312
VILLA EDERA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5260791
VILLA GENTILE Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-5300191
VILLA ROSA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-716569
ZANELLA Venezia Hotel Venice - tel +39-041-966011

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Guida ai Monumenti visitabili in Italia: anfiteatri romani, basiliche, castelli, chiese, dimore storiche, edifici e giardini Storici, grotte, monasteri, musei, palazzi, regge, scavi archeologici, templi greci, ville antiche.

ARSENALE, Venezia. Costruito nel sec. XIV° su resti più antichi, poi ampliato nei secoli successivi. Immenso complesso di darsene, scali, officine, depositi, su di un’area di 46 ettari racchiusa da alte mura. Area soggetta a recupero urbano. Visitabile in parte tutto l’anno con libero accesso.
BASILICA DI SAN MARCO , Venezia. Visitabile tutto l’anno, tutti i giorni, durante le celebrazioni.
BASILICA DI SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA , loc. Torcello, Venezia. Visitabile da Marzo a Ottobre, tutti i giorni, dalle 10.30 alle 17.30 con audioguida. Ingresso € 3,00.
CA’ D’ORO, Venezia. Costruita nel sec. XV° da Matteo Raverti in stile tardogotico.
CHIESA DI S. MARIA GLORIOSA, Venezia. Veduta del chiostro costruito nel sec. XVII° da Baldassarre Longhena. Visitabile tutto l’anno, tutti i giorni, durante le celebrazioni.
CHIESA DI S. MARIA DEI MIRACOLI, Venezia. Costruita nel sec. XV° da Pietro Lombardo è ritenuta uno dei capolavori del rinascimento veneziano. Visitabile tutto l’anno durante le celebrazioni.
CHIESA DI S. MARIA DELLA SALUTE, Venezia. Costruita nel sec. XVII° da Baldassarre Longhena. Visitabile tutto l’anno, tutti i giorni, durante le celebrazioni.
CHIESA DI SAN MOISE’, Venezia. Costruita nel sec. XVI° poi ampliata nel secolo successivo. Visitabile tutto l’anno durante le celebrazioni.
CHIESA DI SAN SIMEONE, Venezia. Fondata nel sec. IX° poi ricostruita nel sec. XVIII° da Giovanni Scalfarotto. Visitabile tutto l’anno durante le celebrazioni.
CHIOSTRO ROMANICO, Convento di S. Apollonia, Venezia. Costruito nel sec. XII°. Da vedere anche il Museo Diocesiano di Arte Sacra. Visitabile tutto l'anno, tutti i giorni in orari stabiliti.
MONASTERO BENEDETTINO, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia. Costruito nel sec. XVI°, in parte dal Palladio, poi ampliato nel secolo successivo.
PALAZZO DUCALE, San Marco, Venezia. Costruito nel sec. XV° in stile gotico veneziano su resti più antichi. Fu dimora del Doge e dei magistrati. Da vedere il loggiato, il cortile, la scala dei giganti, l’appartamento ducale e le sale affrescate con importanti dipinti italiani. Visitabile tutto l’anno, tutti i giorni, dalle 9.00 alle 15.00 (19.00 nei mesi estivi). Ingresso € 5,20. Telefono: 041.5287125.
PALAZZO GIUSTINIAN, Fondamenta Giustinian 8, Venezia Murano. Costruito nel sec. XV° dai vescovi di Torcello e poi trasformato in parte nel sec. XVII° dalla famiglia Giustinian. Da vedere le sale affrescate e il Museo vetrario. Visitabile tutto l’anno, tutti i giorni escluso mercoledì, dalle 10.00 alle 16.00 (17.00 in estate). Ingresso € 4,20. Telefono: 041.739586.
PALAZZO PESARO, Venezia. Costruito da Baldassarre Longhena, è uno dei massimi esempi di stile barocco veneziano.
PALAZZO QUERINI STAMPALIA, Castello 4778, Venezia. Costruito nel sec. XVI° dai nobili Querini e ora sede di una fondazione scientifica. Da vedere le sale affrescate, la biblioteca e il Museo con importanti dipinti. Visitabile tutto l’anno, da martedì a domenica, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00 (22.00 venerdì e sabato). Ingresso € 5,20. Telefono: 041.5203433 Fax 5224954.
PONTE DI RIALTO, Canal Grande, Venezia. Visitabile tutto l'anno, tutti i giorni con libero accesso. CASINO' DI VENEZIA ON LINE
La Basilica di San Marco è un monumento unico per la ricchezza della sua storia, la maestosità della sua facciata e del suo interno, splendido laboratorio in cui hanno operato per secoli grandi artisti italiani ed europei.
Il carattere bizantino che la contraddistingue appare soprattutto nei grandi mosaici che narrano le storie di San Marco, ma anche gli episodi dell'Antico e del Nuovo Testamento.
La grandezza di Venezia si è sempre riflessa nell'arricchimento della Basilica: i veneziani l'hanno abbellita nel corso dei secoli portando dai luoghi più remoti manufatti preziosi ed opere d'arte, creando un monumento di grande compattezza. La luce soffusa che vi entra dall'alto sembra dividere il mondo terreno da quello soprannaturale splendente nelle volte per i suoi dorati mosaici.
La vastità dei contenuti artistici ed iconografici e religiosi e la molteplicità dei risvolti storici necessari alla comprensione del ruolo svolto dalla Basilica nel corso dei secoli sono qui presentati secondo una precisa divisione per argomenti e livelli di approfondimento differenziati.

Oggi purtroppo, dato l'enorme numero di visitatori, è possibile visitare solo in parte questo gioiello universale: questo sito ne permette una conoscenza completa e svela i significati religiosi che non sono immediatamente percepibili dal visitatore.

La fruizione dei contenuti è coadiuvata dalla presenza di animazioni appositamente concepite e realizzate che forniscono un quadro complessivo della dislocazione e suddivisione del patrimonio musivo e nella sezione "Basilica Virtuale", itinerari tematici, viste panoramiche di ambienti attualmente non aperti al pubblico ed una riproduzione interattiva 3D dell'intero complesso della Basilica; il tutto corredato da materiale fotografico dedicato e commentato.

Venezia e l'Oriente

Le sponde dell'Adriatico sono da sempre legate da intensi traffici marittimi.
Nel periodo tra l'800 ed il 1300, nonostante le molte diversità delle popolazioni e dei governi, e nonostante le frequenti guerre e lotte fra i popoli, sono molto forti i legami che si instaurarono tra i centri delle due sponde del mare. In particolare, a partire dal Duecento inizia ad affermarsi in area Adriatica, con sempre maggiore potenza commerciale prima che politica, la Repubblica di Venezia. Città destinata a diventare punto di riferimento, o almeno di più forte scambio di linguaggi e fenomeni artistici, Venezia è legata al mondo orientale, bizantino, che riconosce come il centro più attivo dei suoi interessi economici e artistici.

Il legame tra Venezia e Bisanzio darà vita ad una produzione artistica ricca e variegata, con il contributo di artisti orientali greci e dalmati, fino al primo Quattrocento.
Nei secoli successivi Venezia si aprirà a linguaggi nuovi.
Calendario liturgico | Celebrazioni liturgiche presiedute dal Patriarca

6 gennaio - Epifania del Signore
ore 10:30 - Messa solenne

9 febbraio - ore 18:30 - Messa con la benedizione e l'imposizione delle ceneri

20 marzo - Liturgia delle Palme
ore 10:30 - Messa della Passione
23 marzo - ore 18:00 - Celebrazione solenne della Penitenza
24 marzo - Giovedì Santo
ore 9:30 e 18:00 - Messa del Crisma e Messa in "Cena Domini"
25 marzo - Venerdì Santo
ore 18:30 - Celebrazione della Passione del Signore
27 marzo - Domenica di Pasqua
ore 21:00 - Veglia pasquale
ore 10:30 e 17:30 - Messa e Vespri solenni

4 aprile - Annunciazione del Signore
ore 18:30 - Messa solenne
25 aprile - San Marco Evangelista Patrono
ore 10:30 e 17:30 - Messa e Vespri solenni

14 maggio - ore 18:30 - Messa della Vigilia
15 maggio - Domenica di Pentecoste
ore 10:30 - Messa solenne
29 maggio - Solennità del Corpo e Sangue del Signore
ore 18:00 - Messa e processione eucaristica

24 settembre - ore 15:30 - Mandato ai catechisti e agli evangelizzatori

8 ottobre - Anniversario della Dedicazione della Cattedrale
ore 18:30 - Messa solenne

2 novembre - Commemorazione di tutti i fedeli defunti
ore 18:30 - Messa concelebrata

8 dicembre - Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria
ore 10:30 - Messa solenne
25 dicembre - Natale del Signore
ore 24:00 e 17.30 - Messa della notte e Vespri solenni
31 dicembre - ore 18.30: Messa con canto del Te Deum
vaporetto venezia gondola venezia venice airport

VeNETIA Venice Italy Venise Venedig Venice Italy Hotels, Accommodation, Restaurants, History and map of Venezia venetia
How to reach Venice.

How to reach Piazza S.Marco.


ACTV - Public boat fares.

Useful phone numbers.

"High water". acqua alta venezia

Useful links.

On highways A4 from west or east, A13 until you reach Padova and then A4 from the South, or A27 from the North. When you arrive at Piazzale Roma you can leave your car in one of the car parks, or go to the big car park of Tronchetto island. From Tronchetto you can reach Venice by Vaporetto n° 3 (only in the morning) and n° 4 (only in the afternoon). Otherwise you can take a ferry boat (line n° 17) from Tronchetto to the Lido. An alternative is to leave your car in Mestre. There are both open and covered parking directly in front of the train station and they cost a fraction of what it costs to leave your car in Venice. You can then reach Venice by train (departure every 5-10 minutes) or by numerous buses.

S.Lucia (Santa Lucia) is the name of Venice's Train Station. If you get off in Mestre, Venice then you haven't reached Venice yet. You must first cross the Liberty Bridge and Venice is the end of the line. S.Lucia Train Station is located in the sestiere of Cannaregio. The public transortation, called Vaporetto, has stops for lines n° 1 and n° 52 (to your right as you leave the station) and n° 82 (to your left as you leave the station) on the Grand Canal.

The Marco Polo airport, located about 13 km from Venice, is connected to the city by bus n° 5 (departures at intervals of every half hour), by airport shuttle (faster but more expensive, leaving every hour), and by taxi.

The Cruise Ship terminal is located at the Port of Venice - Maritime Station in S.Marta. Cruise Ships offer free shuttle boat service from their dock to Piazza San Marco.


By vaporetto n° 1 about 40 minutes, n° 52 (direct), about 20 minutes, and n° 82 (direct), about 30 minutes. Vaporettos run at intervals of every 10-12 minutes.
If you prefer to walk it will take you approximately 30-40 minutes.

By vaporetto n° 1 about 35 minutes, n° 52 (direct), about 25 minutes, and n° 82 (direct), about 25 minutes. Vaporettos leave at intervals of every 10-12 minutes. If you prefer to walk it will talk you about 30-45 minutes.

By vaporetto n° 1 about 10 minutes, and n° 82 (direct), about 5 minutes. Vaporettos of them leave at intervals of every 10-12 minutes. If you prefer to walk it will take you about 10 minutes.

By vaporetto (from the boat stop of S.Tomà, a couple of minutes on foot from the Frari Chuch) n° 1 about 15 minutes, and n° 82 (direct), about 10 minutes. Vaporettos leave at intervals of every 10-12 minutes. If you prefer to walk it will take you about 30 minutes.

Line n° 1 and n° 52 depart from the St. Maria Elisabetta boat stop every 10-12 minutes. There is also a two-tiered "motonave" or large passenger ferry boat which takes about 15-20 minutes to reach Piazza San Marco from the Lido.

By vaporetto n° 1 about 3 minutes. Departure at intervals of every 10 minutes. It you prefer to walk you will have to cross the Accademia Bridge in order to be on the San Marco side of the Grand Canal. This route will take you about 15 minutes. There is also a Traghetto not far from the Salute Church which will let you off in Campo S.Maria del Giglio. From here it is about a 5 minute walk to Piazza San Marco.

By vaporetto n° 52 about 10 minutes, n° 82, about 15 minutes. Vaporettos leave at intervals of every 10-12 minutes. If you prefer to walk it will take you about 20 minutes and must cross the Accademia Bridge.

By vaporetto n° 52 about 35 minutes. Departure at intervals of every 10 minutes and n° 23, about 30 minutes. Departure at intervals of every 20 minutes.

By vaporetto n° 12, n° 14 and n° 14/ about 65 minutes. Vaporettos leave at intervals of every 30 minutes.

By vaporetto n° 12, n° 14 and n° 14/ - about 40 minutes. Departure at intervals of every 30 minutes.

By motorboat - about 1 hour. A "Taxi"-motorboat is faster and will set you down exactly where you want to go but expensive. If you are on a budget try to share with other passengers going in the same direction.

For further information you can call the ACTV Office.
The Four Horses of San Marco.

The Palazzo Ducale.

The Procuratie.

The Bell Tower.

The Clock Tower.

The Bridge of Sighs.

The Institutions.

The Carnival.

Strange names.

What people say about Venice...
The origin of the four horses is not well known, but it is believed that they came from Costantinople. Their heads were separated from the bodies to make the transportation easier. After arriving in Venice, the cuts between neck and head were hidden by collars. They were cast in almost pure copper, harder to melt but easier to gild.
In 1797 after Napoleon Bonaparte declared the official end of the Venetian Republic he sold the Venetian territories to Vienna but before leaving the city the French looted all that they could carry including the four horses. They were returned by the French Government only after 1815.The New and Old Procuratie, boardering the Square, was the offices of the 9 Procurators, the most important citizens of Venice after the Doge. They were controlling the Square, the Basilica and the 6 sections of the city, called sestieri . In 1585 the Venetian ambassador to Instambul told the Senate that the Turkish were drinking a hot black drink, made by a seed called Kahavè and that people had diffuculty in falling asleep after drinking this beverage. This seed was brought back to Venice and in 1638 it was roasted, ground and sold at an expensive price from a special caffè shop which was located directly under the Procuratie. In a short time the caffè shops opened all of the city and by the end of the next century there were 24 such caffè's in St.Mark's Square alone. These caffè's soon became the favorite place among intellectuals to meet and drink coffee. Gambling, another favorite past time of the Venetian nobility also went on in the caffè's.
The popularity of these places grew more and more, and in 1720 one of the most elegant: "Caffè alla Venezia trionfante" opened it's doors. This Caffè of the Triumphant Venice was a popular meeting point for both foreign and national high society. Such notables as Carlo Goldoni, the brothers Gozzi and Antonio Canova often spent many hours in this caffè. The caffè's first owner was Floriano Francesconi and therefore the caffè was affectionately called "Florian". In 1775 G. Quadri decided to open a new caffè shop in front of the Florian on the opposite side of the Square and promised to serve only real Turkish Café. For a long time the shop had a bad reputation, driving the owner to near bankruptcy, but in 1830 the nobility recognized the Caffè Quadri as having fine service and quality coffee and it's reputation for quality remains today.
The Venetians were also well known for their love of beautiful women and love affairs were frequent and legendary. Giacomo Casanova became one of the most legendary lovers of Venetian origin but other lesser known lovers soon filled the State orphanages with their children. Many of these love affairs had their start in the caffes of St.Mark's Square so in 1767 the government prohibited women from frequenting caffes. However, Casanova couldn't resist the charms of the women who strolled about the Square and under the porticos of the Procuratie. He was placed in "Piombi", the prison, by State Investigators because of his lascivious and anti-religious habits. Casanova attempted to escape twice. The first time, just before finishing a hole in the floor he was moved to another cell. However it was better that he didn't finish digging as that hole would have dropped him directly in front of the Inquisitors (again!) in the room below. The second attempt succeeded and he made his way out of the Palace and walked directly down the Golden Staircase and out the main entrance! The warders saw him leaving but they thought he was a politician and didn't stop him. Before taking the Gondola to leave the city, he couldn't resist one last stroll through the Procuratie where he bid his friends goodbye and had one last cup of coffee in his beloved Piazza San Marco. Casanova reached Paris where lived for 20 years before he was pardoned and allowed to return to his beloved Venice.The New and Old Procuratie, boardering the Square, was the offices of the 9 Procurators, the most important citizens of Venice after the Doge. They were controlling the Square, the Basilica and the 6 sections of the city, called sestieri . In 1585 the Venetian ambassador to Instambul told the Senate that the Turkish were drinking a hot black drink, made by a seed called Kahavè and that people had diffuculty in falling asleep after drinking this beverage. This seed was brought back to Venice and in 1638 it was roasted, ground and sold at an expensive price from a special caffè shop which was located directly under the Procuratie. In a short time the caffè shops opened all of the city and by the end of the next century there were 24 such caffè's in St.Mark's Square alone. These caffè's soon became the favorite place among intellectuals to meet and drink coffee. Gambling, another favorite past time of the Venetian nobility also went on in the caffè's.
The popularity of these places grew more and more, and in 1720 one of the most elegant: "Caffè alla Venezia trionfante" opened it's doors. This Caffè of the Triumphant Venice was a popular meeting point for both foreign and national high society. Such notables as Carlo Goldoni, the brothers Gozzi and Antonio Canova often spent many hours in this caffè. The caffè's first owner was Floriano Francesconi and therefore the caffè was affectionately called "Florian". In 1775 G. Quadri decided to open a new caffè shop in front of the Florian on the opposite side of the Square and promised to serve only real Turkish Café. For a long time the shop had a bad reputation, driving the owner to near bankruptcy, but in 1830 the nobility recognized the Caffè Quadri as having fine service and quality coffee and it's reputation for quality remains today.
The Venetians were also well known for their love of beautiful women and love affairs were frequent and legendary. Giacomo Casanova became one of the most legendary lovers of Venetian origin but other lesser known lovers soon filled the State orphanages with their children. Many of these love affairs had their start in the caffes of St.Mark's Square so in 1767 the government prohibited women from frequenting caffes. However, Casanova couldn't resist the charms of the women who strolled about the Square and under the porticos of the Procuratie. He was placed in "Piombi", the prison, by State Investigators because of his lascivious and anti-religious habits. Casanova attempted to escape twice. The first time, just before finishing a hole in the floor he was moved to another cell. However it was better that he didn't finish digging as that hole would have dropped him directly in front of the Inquisitors (again!) in the room below. The second attempt succeeded and he made his way out of the Palace and walked directly down the Golden Staircase and out the main entrance! The warders saw him leaving but they thought he was a politician and didn't stop him. Before taking the Gondola to leave the city, he couldn't resist one last stroll through the Procuratie where he bid his friends goodbye and had one last cup of coffee in his beloved Piazza San Marco. Casanova reached Paris where lived for 20 years before he was pardoned and allowed to return to his beloved Venice.The New and Old Procuratie, boardering the Square, was the offices of the 9 Procurators, the most important citizens of Venice after the Doge. They were controlling the Square, the Basilica and the 6 sections of the city, called sestieri . In 1585 the Venetian ambassador to Instambul told the Senate that the Turkish were drinking a hot black drink, made by a seed called Kahavè and that people had diffuculty in falling asleep after drinking this beverage. This seed was brought back to Venice and in 1638 it was roasted, ground and sold at an expensive price from a special caffè shop which was located directly under the Procuratie. In a short time the caffè shops opened all of the city and by the end of the next century there were 24 such caffè's in St.Mark's Square alone. These caffè's soon became the favorite place among intellectuals to meet and drink coffee. Gambling, another favorite past time of the Venetian nobility also went on in the caffè's.
The popularity of these places grew more and more, and in 1720 one of the most elegant: "Caffè alla Venezia trionfante" opened it's doors. This Caffè of the Triumphant Venice was a popular meeting point for both foreign and national high society. Such notables as Carlo Goldoni, the brothers Gozzi and Antonio Canova often spent many hours in this caffè. The caffè's first owner was Floriano Francesconi and therefore the caffè was affectionately called "Florian". In 1775 G. Quadri decided to open a new caffè shop in front of the Florian on the opposite side of the Square and promised to serve only real Turkish Café. For a long time the shop had a bad reputation, driving the owner to near bankruptcy, but in 1830 the nobility recognized the Caffè Quadri as having fine service and quality coffee and it's reputation for quality remains today.
The Venetians were also well known for their love of beautiful women and love affairs were frequent and legendary. Giacomo Casanova became one of the most legendary lovers of Venetian origin but other lesser known lovers soon filled the State orphanages with their children. Many of these love affairs had their start in the caffes of St.Mark's Square so in 1767 the government prohibited women from frequenting caffes. However, Casanova couldn't resist the charms of the women who strolled about the Square and under the porticos of the Procuratie. He was placed in "Piombi", the prison, by State Investigators because of his lascivious and anti-religious habits. Casanova attempted to escape twice. The first time, just before finishing a hole in the floor he was moved to another cell. However it was better that he didn't finish digging as that hole would have dropped him directly in front of the Inquisitors (again!) in the room below. The second attempt succeeded and he made his way out of the Palace and walked directly down the Golden Staircase and out the main entrance! The warders saw him leaving but they thought he was a politician and didn't stop him. Before taking the Gondola to leave the city, he couldn't resist one last stroll through the Procuratie where he bid his friends goodbye and had one last cup of coffee in his beloved Piazza San Marco. Casanova reached Paris where lived for 20 years before he was pardoned and allowed to return to his beloved Venice.The New and Old Procuratie, boardering the Square, was the offices of the 9 Procurators, the most important citizens of Venice after the Doge. They were controlling the Square, the Basilica and the 6 sections of the city, called sestieri . In 1585 the Venetian ambassador to Instambul told the Senate that the Turkish were drinking a hot black drink, made by a seed called Kahavè and that people had diffuculty in falling asleep after drinking this beverage. This seed was brought back to Venice and in 1638 it was roasted, ground and sold at an expensive price from a special caffè shop which was located directly under the Procuratie. In a short time the caffè shops opened all of the city and by the end of the next century there were 24 such caffè's in St.Mark's Square alone. These caffè's soon became the favorite place among intellectuals to meet and drink coffee. Gambling, another favorite past time of the Venetian nobility also went on in the caffè's.
The popularity of these places grew more and more, and in 1720 one of the most elegant: "Caffè alla Venezia trionfante" opened it's doors. This Caffè of the Triumphant Venice was a popular meeting point for both foreign and national high society. Such notables as Carlo Goldoni, the brothers Gozzi and Antonio Canova often spent many hours in this caffè. The caffè's first owner was Floriano Francesconi and therefore the caffè was affectionately called "Florian". In 1775 G. Quadri decided to open a new caffè shop in front of the Florian on the opposite side of the Square and promised to serve only real Turkish Café. For a long time the shop had a bad reputation, driving the owner to near bankruptcy, but in 1830 the nobility recognized the Caffè Quadri as having fine service and quality coffee and it's reputation for quality remains today.
The Venetians were also well known for their love of beautiful women and love affairs were frequent and legendary. Giacomo Casanova became one of the most legendary lovers of Venetian origin but other lesser known lovers soon filled the State orphanages with their children. Many of these love affairs had their start in the caffes of St.Mark's Square so in 1767 the government prohibited women from frequenting caffes. However, Casanova couldn't resist the charms of the women who strolled about the Square and under the porticos of the Procuratie. He was placed in "Piombi", the prison, by State Investigators because of his lascivious and anti-religious habits. Casanova attempted to escape twice. The first time, just before finishing a hole in the floor he was moved to another cell. However it was better that he didn't finish digging as that hole would have dropped him directly in front of the Inquisitors (again!) in the room below. The second attempt succeeded and he made his way out of the Palace and walked directly down the Golden Staircase and out the main entrance! The warders saw him leaving but they thought he was a politician and didn't stop him. Before taking the Gondola to leave the city, he couldn't resist one last stroll through the Procuratie where he bid his friends goodbye and had one last cup of coffee in his beloved Piazza San Marco. Casanova reached Paris where lived for 20 years before he was pardoned and allowed to return to his beloved Venice."El paron de casa" (the lord of the house): so Venetians called the bell tower of St.Mark. On July 14, 1902 it collapsed, luckily without causing any casualties, not even a pigeon was hurt. It didn't do any damage to the Basilica either even though it stands just a few feet from its entrance.
Inside the bell tower there are 5 large cast iron bells. Each bell has a name and a purpose; Marangona rang mornings and evenings at the beginning and end of the work day, Maleficio rang for capital executions, Nona rang at the 9th hour, Trottiera called magistrates to meetings in the Palazzo Ducale, and the bell of Pregadi called senators to the Palace.The clock shows the hours in Roman numerals, the phases of the moon and the Zodiac. It also gives indications to sailors about the tides and which months are more favorable for sailing. The Serenissima gave a large reward to the Ranieri brothers who constructed the clock tower, but legend has it that later their eyes were removed in order to keep them from repeating such a wonder.The Bridge of Sighs received its name in the 17th century, because the prisoners who passed through it on their way to the prison cells on the other side would most likely see the beautiful sight of the lagoon and the island of S.Giorgio and freedom for the last time.Thoughout Europe the Serenissima's government was considered a model of stability, honesty and demonstrated the possibility of combining the monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, in the figures of the Doge, the Senate and the Grand Council.
The Doge represented the unity of the Republic. He was elected for life by the Grand Council, chosen from among the greatest Venetian families and in general was older than 70. The Doge's powers were very limited. He could not make any decisions in the absence of the six Councillors of the six sestieri of the city of Venice. He could not leave Venice unless he was accompanied by at least two Councillors. The actions of the Doge were controlled by the Seignory, which consisted of the six Councillors, the three heads of the supreme tribunal and the Doge himself. Moreover the Doge had to pay for all official festivities organized in the Doge's Palace, for any restoration work done in the Palace and often had to pay for military operations, without getting money from the State. In fact it was not for a desire for money or power that made Venetians desire to be Doge, but for the honor of covering the highest position of the Republic and all the noble families wished for the the privilege of having a Doge in their family as this insured that their name would be remembered through out history. Also some commoners made extraordinary services to the State or payed substantial sums to the government or to impoverished nobles to buy titles of nobiltry and to have their name written in the Golden Book so that they could be members of the Grand Council and in this way hope for a nomination as Doge. There is one dark spot in the history of the Doges of the Serenissima. After the election of Doge Marin Falier, he tried to lead a popular conspirancy and was executed by order of the Council of Ten. The Council of Ten in fact were responsible for decisions about crimes against the State and about decisions requiring absolute secrecy. They also prevented the ambitions of influential citizens from threatening the Venetian Republic. In the Ballot Chamber of the Doge's Palace, where the portraits of the Doges are exhibited, the portrait of Marin Falier is replaced by a black veil in remembrance of his crime.
In Venice no single institution monopolized power becouse no single decision making body could operate unchecked by another and the quick rotation of all offices made it difficult for a single individual or faction to appropriate power or to be corrupted becouse their time in office is not long enough to be useful for such a pourpose.
Frauds in casting ballots have been known to happen in Venice, before ballots were cast, Grand Council members milled about in front of the palace, on the "broglio", where the most powerful tried to buy the votes of impoverished nobles, called the barnabotti. It is from this practice that the the word broglio (entanglement) came in to use and is still used today.and carousing, singing, dancing and playing games. The most common costume (the baùtta) was composed of a black silk hood, a lace cape, a voluminous cloak (the tabarro), and a three-cornered hat and a white mask that completely covered the wearer's face. This allowed revelers to go around the city incognito. It was useful to go to casini, places where you could play games of chance.
Since 1980 the celebration of Carnival in Venice has gained popularity. People come from the world over to attend private and public masked balls and masked revelers of all ages invade the campi where music and dancing continues nearly day and night. Theatrical performances and an array of ancient games are organized for the amusement of Venetians and visitors alike.

Enjoy the carnival of Venice 2006 200*
at Venicemasquerade party.
Coming soon on the Ballo Dei Sospiri webiste

The streets in Venice generally have ancient and above all courious names which reflect different work that was done in the area (like Calle del "Pestrin", which means milkman, of "Pistor", which means baker, of "Fruttarol", which means fruit seller, etc.), commercial activities (like "Mercerie", where you could buy fabrics, "Frezzerie", where they made arrows, Calle "Fiubera" where they made buckles for shoes, etc.) and the origins of inhabitants (like Calle dei "Preti", the street of priests, or "Muneghe", meaning nuns, or "Ragusei", which refers to the people from Ragusa, Dubrovnik nowadays, who lived in that area of Venice, riva dei "Schiavoni", the "big slaves", refers to slaves brought from the Dalmatan Coast, etc.).
There are also many stories about places names. The Riva di Biasio comes from Biagio who was thought to be the owner of a little XVI century restaurant (an "osteria"). Biasio was well-known by all the sailors as a good cook, especially for his delicious meat dishes. However Biasio became infamous when a customer found a baby's finger in his plate. Another story about Biasio reports him to be a butcher who sold human instead of animal meat. However the story about his death is very clear. He was condemned to death by the Serenissima Republic, tortured on a boat crossing the width of the Grand Canal. Then, as a warning to all Venetians, he was tied between the two columns of the Piazzetta and publicly beheaded. Biasio was then cut into four parts hung on four hooks on the four cardinal points of Venice so that everyone could see him and remember his crime.
On a lighter note, Campiello Mosca (meaning fly) has its origin not in relation to the annoying insects, but in reference to the false beauty spots, called mosche. These beauty spots were worn by both men and women and were very important during the period of the Serenissima as they were used as silent and secret messages depending where they were placed on the wearers face, following a precise code. A woman who wore a beauty spot near an eye would mean: "I'm irresistible". I Cavalli di San Marco.

Il Palazzo Ducale.

Le Procuratie.

Il Campanile.

La Torre dell'Orologio.

Il Ponte dei Sospiri.

Le istituzioni.

Il Carnevale.

Nomi curiosi.

Hanno detto di Venezia...